Meet the old lady who can dance for Jesus !!! we were on our way to reachout , then miraculously we spotted an old lady digging on her garden .
The Holy ghost spoke and said bless this old lady , I took some little money out of the pocket and she was so joyous! very joyous yet it was only a little !!
That’s when God spoke do her a shopping as well , so we left and came back to only surprise her with shopping of two months upkeep ,my God!!! it was a party of joy .
Her husband was like for this let me take of my hut I see you very well hahaha “how ? Who are you ? where do you come from” in amazement!! and we were like we come from the presence of God you rejoice hahahaha and the Joy of the Lord continued until we left, amazing .
They barely had enough to go on, then God gave them enough !!!