After we stood with her delivery preparations shopping and labor fee she acknoledged Jesus as her personal savior ,this lead us to remember her during this lock down two reach out.
We sent for her from the village she came bound with witchcraft ,defeated and looking like her sad situation ,
We did deliverance prayers on her ,did some shoppings as we were doing deliverance demons kept saying she’s ours but no,we declare Jesus is Lord over her ,
Then we took her to the saloon for a hair do ,she testified “no style of hair could remain on my head and emediatly i have a hair do i undo ” reason being she would have headaches and allot of scratching on the head.
Today she has had a hair do spent the whole day with us and nothing no scratching no feeling like undoing, the mission of the devil is always to make people uncomfortable in the name of allergies and discomfort but that are past story for Joan.