At it again christmas reach out 2 was amazing ,at Kigali Mpigi we had dance competitions ,singing competition we saw smiles ,laughter’s ,joy above all the word was shared and children prayed for as we gave out .
At it again christmas reach out 2 was amazing ,at Kigali Mpigi we had dance competitions ,singing competition we saw smiles ,laughter’s ,joy above all the word was shared and children prayed for as we gave out .
Reaching out with the gospel and giving ,we had a great time teaching ,bible verse competitions ,dancing competition, songs and the glory of God was there .
Today CMM was witnessing the pastors we stood with to start a ministry pay for it’s building (1year rent )the area was in thirst for the word no move of God empty ,deserted , Then as we were still in the process of signing two ladies came in and asked can we be free to …
A gift no matter how small from the heart makes even the saddest merry ,Assistant Director CMM handing a phone gift to a amazing soul ,it’s our way of encouraging the people we have marked out as outstanding, this girl loves the Lord with her whole being and during our missions she has been a …
Reaching out today with the gospel and giving we thank God that He has provided and according to how we can we have blessed .This church was not left the same the word was glorious followed by a good day of giving .