Home to home reach out with food provisions program has blessed servants during this time of need their joy was a confirmation God sent us !!!
Home to home reach out with food provisions program has blessed servants during this time of need their joy was a confirmation God sent us !!!
Meet this girl few days ago and was moved to act, finally today we reached out to her she had been checked with the doctor last year July as the receipt says below but until now her parents had no finances to treat her , today God changed that song the doctor rechecked and gave …
Whe CMM is not reaching out to children it’s touching the youth ,touching parents for the glory of God ,Today I was invited to speak to ministers, the power of the Holy ghost was seen, Sermon walking in holiness and kingdom purposed mind .
The simple things you do heals wounds that even big things done cant ,never fail to express your love even in the simplest way to someone it might mean allot. After Save a child save a life world missions took back Zakia and Kisakye back to school it’s been a while that we had not …
Reaching out to two elderly homes with financial gifts, this is a joy no man can hide ,we saw them dance, praise,pray as we obeyed, God had surprised them in a unique way , it’s one of our calling to kick start divine things,finishing what God has started in people lives , pulling down goliaths …